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Investor Relations
Shareholder's Meeting
Details Download
Invitation to the 39th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2024) (Full Version)
Invitation to the 39th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2024)
Supporting Documents to the Agendas
Agenda 1: To Adopt and Approve the Minutes of the 38th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2023)
Agenda 2: To Acknowledge the Report of the Board of Directors on the Operating Results of Year 2023
Agenda 3: To Consider and Approve the Balance Sheets and Statements of Income for the Year ended December 31, 2023
Agenda 4: To Consider and Approve the Appropriation of Earnings
Agenda 5: To Consider the Appointment of Directors Retired by Rotation
Agenda 6: To Consider the Remuneration of the Directors
Agenda 7: To Consider the Appointment of the Auditor and Determination of Audit Fee
Agenda 8: To Consider and Approve the Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association in Chapter General Provisions, Article 3, to Ensure Compliance with Legal Requirements
Agenda 9: Other Matters (if any)
Supporting Documents for the Meeting
Guidelines for the shareholders attending the meeting, in regard to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
Rules and Guidelines of Attendance
The Company’s Articles of Association concerning with the Shareholders’ Meeting
Form of Proxy (Annexed to Notice of Department of Business Development Re: Form of Proxy (No.5) B.E. 2550 (2007))
  • Form of Proxy, Form A. (General Form)
  • Form of Proxy, Form B. (Form Specifying Various Particulars for Authorization Containing Clear and Concise Details) *Recommend to use this form
  • Form of Proxy, Form C. (This form is used only if the shareholder is an offshore investor who appoints a local custodian in Thailand to keep his/her shares in the custody.)
Resume of the Independent Directors for serving as Proxy of shareholders
Request for the Hard Copy of the Form 56-1 One Report 2023
Submission of Inquiries Relating to the Agendas
Map of the Annual General Meeting venue
Shareholders' Rights to Propose the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting and Nomination of New Board Members in Advance (form October 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023)

  • Annual General Meeting
  • Extraordinary General Meeting
Annual General Meeting Download
Invitation to the 38th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2023)
Invitation to the 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2022)
Invitation to the 36th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2021)
Invitation to the 35th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2020)
Invitation to the 34th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2019)
Invitation to the 33nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2018)
Invitation to the 32nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2017)
Invitation to the 31st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2016)
Invitation to the 30th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2015)
Invitation to the 29th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2014)
Invitation to the 28th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2013)
Invitation to the 27th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2012)
Invitation to the 26th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2011)
Invitation to the 25th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2010 )
Invitation to the 24th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2009)
Invitation to the 23rd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2008)
Invitation to the 22nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2007)
Invitation to the 21st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Year 2006)
Extraordinary General Meeting Download
Invitation to the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2011
Invitation to the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2008
Invitation to the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2007